
No Live Arcade game this week

Oh, PR is a tricky thing. Sneaky even. Microsoft sent us a press release earlier today, letting us in on the next ten Xbox Live Arcade games. Naturally, we were overjoyed to hear that a torrent of new and fun content was headed for our favorite service. Little did we know that the press release was really a smoke screen designed to blind us from the horrible truth: there will be no Live Arcade release tomorrow. 360 Fanboy tipster, Kid Pyrrhic, is responsible for sniffing out the nefarious plot. Noticing a line in the press release that read, "Although a game may not be launched every week ...," he stuck it to the man and asked Gamerscore Blog if that meant we wouldn't have a new game this week. John Porcaro himself emerged from his filthy den of lies to confirm, "As a matter of fact, there is no game tomorrow..."

You heard it, folks. No game tomorrow.

[Thanks, Kid Pyrrhic. Sorry, John]