
GTR: Worms questions answered (ninja rope!)

Godfree and the gang at Gamertag Radio scored an interview with Martyn Brown of Team17, the developers of Worms for Xbox Live Arcade. Martyn answers lots of burning questions about the game, and assures us that the classic Worms experience is intact. We are particularly happy to report that ninja rope is in the game (along with the ability to drop weapons while roping). Voice banks are also supported, though Team17 couldn't fit them all into the game. More are coming to Marketplace, though. What the interview does not have: a release date.

Worms, without a doubt, is the most highly anticipated Arcade title right now (at least it is judging from the comments around here). If you're even a little bit interested, we suggest you check out the latest episode of GTR for the interview. Also included in the show are interviews with the Yankees' Johnny Damon, Snoop Dogg (no, seriously), and the developers of Bullet Witch. Hit the "read" link to check it out.