
Wii Fanboy Contest: Win the Wii Sports Pack

Now that you've seen them in action, we want to give one reader their very own Wii Sports Pack! Conduct your own playtests. Sneak up on friends with the bat for a little nefarious fun. Break them out during parties and take bets on who shatters the ceiling fan lights. The fun never stops!

It's not gonna be as easy as just waltzing in here and asking for them, however. You're going to need to inspire us into letting go of the goods. We're not feeling too motivated here, so what we need is for you to make a (de)motivational poster inspired by Brando's Wii Sports Pack. The tools you need are tucked away after the jump.

Your mission: make a motivational poster about Wii Sports and the remote extensions. You can use a generator, like we did (because we're lazy), or you can lovingly craft an image by hand. We don't care if you make macaroni pictures if it makes us laugh hard enough. We don't recommend that tactic, though. Pasta is serious business.

So you've whipped up your poster. Your next step is to send it to us at nwf(dot)contests(at)gmail(dot)com. Go ahead and attach away -- we trust you. You have a week; after midnight, February 14th (EST), we'll stop considering entries. The winner will be announced Thursday, February 15th. We figure everyone needs the 14th off for commercially-influenced snuggle time. Please don't send anything pornographic or offensive -- we won't consider it. You may send more than one if you are so inclined.

Good luck!