
Anime lands in the iTunes Store via Funimation

Anime has officially landed in the iTunes Store today, courtesy of Funimation Entertainment, with newly available series for purchase including Samurai 7, Speed Grapher, and Desert Punk. Each episode from all three franchises are available for $1.99 each, and season passes can be purchased for $38.99. Notably, the videos are only offered with the option of an English dub, and knowing how particular many fans are about strictly watching shows with the original Japanese language tracks and subtitles, this might be a serious deal breaker. Other than this issue, I guess this is not such a horrible deal considering most shows would cost you anywhere from $4-6+ per episode on DVD. (Of course, that's if you don't mind the limited viewing options, DRM, and lower quality.) But, yeaaa. There you go. Anime. In the iTunes Store. Today.