
Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX trailer generates excitement, eyestrain

Takara Tomy have stealth-released a new trailer for Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX, the Wii sequel to the popular Gamecube 3D fighting series, and it's looking ... well, heavily compressed. It's hard to tell how the game looks based on the size and quality of this video. Despite the technical difficulties, there were a few noteworthy things we could glean from the video, and its now-standard use of the "picture-in-picture of person making Wiimote gestures:"

  • There are a lot of characters in the game.

  • They fight each other.

  • Adorable children can control this character-fighting with Wiimote and Nunchuk motions.

We can assume that the new one will look at least as nice as the Gamecube versions, and will probably have new characters and some new moves and such. Previous Naruto games have been well-received; we are crossing our fingers that the new one will be just as good, and that the motion control is fun and not gimmicky. We think we should have started crossing our fingers after typing this post.

[Note: the link goes directly to a .wmv video.]

[Thanks, Creamsugar!]