
Substitute for pricey iSight: the StealthFire

As David just posted, the iSight is enjoying a dramatic aftermarket boost, with specimens going for 2x original retail (or more) on eBay. Despite the obvious profit potential -- I have mine sitting in a drawer at home somewhere -- this strikes me as a bit weird, since there are plenty of affordable FireWire cameras to be had for quite a bit less. You may not get the slick mounting hardware, but you'll get a serviceable, iChat/Skype compatible device.

While the Unibrain Fire-i appears to be out of stock (they indicate a pending refresh of the product and a late-February ship date), the GlobalMedia iRez is shipping for $130 and comes with a snazzy tripod. The true budget choice, however, is the GlobalMedia 1394 StealthFire camera; it's on closeout pricing at $50, a deal and a half. Granted, it's got the 'basic black' aesthetic flavor of an early-2000 IBM laptop (or an early 20th century Ford Model-T), but it should get the job done. Update: As noted by readers, the StealthFire does not have an onboard microphone, so you'd have to go with your built-in or add a USB mic to complete the suite (Logitech sells one for $30 but if you hunt around you can do better).

Meanwhile, for a true FireHose of data on all kinds of FireWire cams, including obscure and expensive industrial units, check out Damien Douxchamps's dauntingly extensive list of 800 models. C'est bon!