
Badass 3D "Treasure Island" faceplate

Sometimes you'll see custom painted faceplates that you can buy online for your Xbox 360. They can be really cool and shiny, but other times you can come across something truly unique. Take this one of a kind Treasure Island themed faceplate for example. At first glance it looks pretty standard, nice paint job to give a sense of depth and vibrant colors. But upon closer inspection you see how it is truly awesome. It's not some two dimensional curved surface with a "sense of depth", but an actual 3D faceplate. The waves are real, the islands have altitude and it's beautifully textured. More jaw-dropping pictures after the break.

Pretty damn impressive work of art, eh? If you want to pick this number up, it'll set you back $120 USD. Some think it's worth it to have their 360 look like no other. Would you want a faceplate like this, or is the whole hand sculpted thing overkill?

[Via Digg]