
Wii party tips from college finance site

We may be Wii experts, but we aren't exactly party experts. We hear a lot about the Wii being great in social settings, but since it doesn't come preloaded with friends, we e-hermits remain alone in our (separate) caves.

Lucky for you, then, that some real party people are willing to help you plan your shindig: NextPath, a newsletter about student loans, has compiled a list of helpful household hints for your next college Wii party. Who would know more about partying than a corporation that finances student loans? Besides anyone else.

The list of suggestions, which was probably generated by a computer and then focus-tested on other, younger computers with Mountain Dew logos on them, includes among its 15 essentials things, stuff like Icy Hot, headbands, Ace bandages and eye protection. That makes their ideal event sound a lot more like the kind of party we'd plan, and not the kind of party that someone who is successful at making friends would even deign to attend (guys wearing #8 "Ankle Support" are certain to be a big hit with #2 "Ladies.")

We wonder if this kind of mainstream coverage of the Wii is indicative of a real cultural phenomenon, or if Nintendo marketing just helped finance a few student loans.

[Via NeoGAF]