
PhotoTunnel 3: iPhoto Albums Go 3D

PhotoTunnel 3 looks like a neat toy for anybody who's tired of the Ken Burns effect and is looking for a way to make unusual slideshow videos from iPhoto albums. Capitalizing on OS X's built-in Core Image technology, PhotoTunnel will apply a variety of effects to your pictures to generate QuickTime movies that you can share with friends and family. You can get relatively sophisticated animations with real-time effects and filters. The best way to get a sense of what PhotoTunnel can do is to check out the demo videos (scroll to the bottom, on the right). As I said, I would probably regard this more as a toy than a serious tool, as the videos it produces are somewhat, shall we say, over the top. But I suppose one man's over-the-top, is another man's cool.

PhotoTunnel 3 is $19 and a demo is available.