
Worms delayed twice during development

Speaking to Eurogamer, Team17's Martyn Brown intimated that the certification process for Worms has taken much longer than originally anticipated. While this isn't exactly news to rabid Worms fans, Brown does shed a little more light on the issue. First of all, Brown notes that Worms is "richer" than many Live Arcade titles and thus has a lot of testing to undergo. He adds that Team17 had to resubmit many times after delivering what they considered final builds of the title. Finally, Brown says that Worms has nearly been released twice in its dev cycle, only to be pulled back into the black abyss that is Xbox Live Arcade certification. As such, Team17 is not keen to celebrate its imminent release in the coming weeks.

We have to wonder, can anything be done to streamline the Dreaded Certification Process®? We know that MS has a stockpile of Arcade games. What is it that consistently prevents a timely release schedule?

See also:
Team17 talks Worms and Arcade revisions