
Camino 1.1b - Now With Session Saving Built In

The hard working folks behind Camino have released Camino 1.1 beta to an eager world. The most important change since alpha 2 is an integrated restore pages feature as you see above. Although it was previously possible to get a plugin to do this called CaminoSession (as we mentioned earlier), it's nice to see it baked in. Camino 1.1b will now ask you if you want to restore pages that were open if Camino crashes (or is force quit). At this point, I simply cannot use a browser without a restore feature, so I'm quite happy to see this. Although I used it regularly back in the Chimera days, I had of late moved completely to Safari (with Saft). But I've been using Camino more and more lately since I'm now regularly having to access a website that won't render properly in Safari, and I'm continually more impressed. Maybe our fearless leader knew what he was talking about after all.

As before, Camino 1.1b is a free download from the Camino beta page.

[Via Daring Fireball]