
Crackdown cracks Xbox Live Top 5 (twice)


According to last week's Xbox Live activity report the addicted and still-experimenting were both heavily preoccupied with a new substance, Crackdown. While unable to topple heavyweights Gears of War and Rainbow Six Vegas, Crackdown (full version) and its demo ranked #3 and #5 respectively on Xbox Live's popularity list (published by Major Nelson).

Barring the arrival of radically altering downloadable content, Crackdown won't have much longevity in the hands of the average gamer. As interest in the demo wanes, watch to see if there's a spike in the full version's player base. If enough demo players are tempted to invest in the full game, then Crackdown has a shot -- however briefly -- at the top spot on Xbox Live during these seasonably slow (-to-deliver-games) months. Still, Crackdown is sure to tumble once Bungie opens up the beta.