
Sony talks about the backwards compatibility thingy

Looking ahead, I have a lot of exciting news for you guys today! I'll get it all typed up now, before 1PM, but it's all set to publish throughout the day (one of the reasons it seems we're slow, actually... got to spread out the news. Tossin' it all out in a two hour timeframe really doesn't make much business sense). First up is this, our follow up to the announcement that Sony will release a new version of the PS3 in Europe, sacrificing some backwards compatibility temporarily as well as our other post describing how this is just temporary but may be indicative of a price cut next year due to decreased manufacturing costs.

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's big brother, SCEI, has issued a statement regarding the backwards compatibility software stuff. Really, they should've just quoted us. I think we made a pretty decent rational appeal. What was told/confirmed (even though it pretty much was already) is that "Sony is including hardware of some form that will take the place of the Graphics Synthesizer graphics chip. The Emotion Engine CPU functionality will be replicated entirely through software emulation." Still no word on actual percentages of games playable from the past, but we've said enough on this topic. Let's all collectively shrug, keep our PS2's in a closet for when we want them, and move on. This isn't good news, but it's in no way "OMFG liek boo sONy!" news.