
What exclusives will the PSP Spiderman 3 have?

When Sony Pictures is the one putting out Spiderman 3, I wasn't shocked when I heard the PS3 version would have an exclusive 2nd playable character (new Green Goblin) and collector's edition behind the scenes videos. It only makes good business sense for Sony to leverage their film division's biggest property to help sell PS3 versions of the game. One thing I haven't heard yet is what exclusives will the PSP version have?

Now, some may assume that since nothing has been announced yet, there may be no exclusive content. That's unlikely however, since Sony will undoubtedly want extras on PSP as well. Besides that, every multi-platform game that comes to PSP has to have extra content for Sony to approve it (which is why sometimes the PSP versions of ports are better than their console brothers). So what exclusive content would you like to see in the Spiderman 3 for the PSP.