
BioShock screen shot contest revealed

Irrational is holding a very interesting contest involving BioShock. Here's the premise, users are presented with a series of screen shots that outline a sequence of events inside BioShock. In this particular instance, you (the player) find yourself face to face with a grenadier. He has a box full of homemade grenades. You have one shell left in your shotgun, a telekinesis plasmid, and an electro bolt plasmid. The questions is: how do you take him out? Participants are asked to write out a solution in 1000 words or less. The best solution will be filmed in the game and posted in two weeks. Naturally, Irrational is looking for the most creative and interesting solution. All in all, the contest is a pretty cool way to get the community involved and show off video of the game in progress.

Hit the "read" link for the full scenario and instructions for entry. If any of our readers make it into the top entries, we'll feature them here. Be sure and tell us if you make it.

[Via Evil Avatar]