
AddOn Spotlight: Nudge

As I've discussed before, my main is a priest. So when the 2.0.10 patch notes came out...nah, just kidding, I've whined enough about this patch. I'm not going to talk about that now. Anyway, my priest is currently specced 14/40/7, in a strange holy DPS/healing hybrid, which works fine for farming as well as for healing Black Morass and Shadow Labyrinth and such. However, I'm anxious to start raiding, and to do that I really want a straight healing build (probably 21/40/0). Healing builds are great for healing, but I do still need some way to farm primals for my cloth transmutes -- what's the answer to this conundrum?

Roll a Hunter. And thus my BM Hunter was born; he's currently level 50. This character has been a blast to level, as I've always heard Hunters are (previously, I hadn't gotten one past 30ish). One thing that took some getting used to, though, is the range limitations, and one thing that helped a lot with getting used to that is the mod Nudge (see? I was getting there). It's pretty simple; it provides a frame that changes colors based on whether your targeted mob is in melee range, your dead zone, ranged range, or out of range (i.e. 0-5 yd, 5-8 yd, 8-40 yd, >40 yd). It didn't take long before I was able to just watch Nudge out of the corner of my eye to figure out whether I was close enough to shoot or not. And yes, I could just look at my action bars, but Nudge is a lot more obvious and a lot easier to read at a glance. Green for melee, yellow for dead zone, blue for ranged, red for out of range. Of course, now when I see a red stoplight, I have a strange urge to edge closer to it until it turns blue...but I'm sure that's unrelated.

The frame only appears when you've got a hostile mob targeted, you can move and resize it however you want, the text and colors are customizable, it takes into account Hawk Eye if you have it (at least I think it does), and altogether it feels like a well-made little bit of frill that's handy for any hunter. By the way, if you're not a hunter and are looking for something that'll simply tell you when you're in range of some given spell (40 yards for heals, perhaps?), Fudge is what you want.

Download Nudge at WoWInterface

Previously on the Spotlight

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