
Xbox 360 to promote reading?

After a nice round of torque bowing, chainsawing, and grenade tagging some grotesque underground dwelling beasts, don't you just want to sit back, and curl up with a nice Mark Twain novel? Public libraries across Canada seem to think so, as they try to reach out to teens by adding cafes, karaoke and open mike nights and even Xbox 360s to their outlets. So, would you consider hitting the library to get your Crackdown on if 360s showed up at your local library, or does reading and hunting for green orbs at the top of sky scrapers sound like polar opposite activities? Maybe if they held some LAN parties, tournaments, or had a better broadband connection than you do at home, because you're bound to find more people to play videogames with on Xbox Live then at the library. Although you could play same Halo, then go read one of its novels.

[Via GameStooge]