
Metareview + Our take: flOw

Hey guys, it's about time we pulled out another one of these review thingies. This one will be significantly shorter because, well, the game is significantly shorter/smaller/whatever. First up, here's what the critics say about flOw:

  • IGN: 7.6

  • Gamespot: 7.1

  • 1UP: 7

So, that's about as above average and below great as you can get. Here's why the game apparently failed to swoon the critic's higher numbers:

  • No challenge (you can't actually die)

  • Not a whole lot to do (eat stuff, get bigger, rinse and repeat in a linear fashion)

  • Co-op play is neat, but really doesn't add anything to the mix

What did the game do right? Well, they say this:

  • Atmosphere is spot on soothing, presentation is excellent

  • Getting to see what's next in your evolutionary chain is a huge draw

  • The SIXAXIS controls feel pretty finely tuned, not tacked on

  • The sound and graphics are "barely there" in that "good, artsy-fartsy" way

  • ...It's cheap? (that was me)

I don't really have much to add to their reviews. I feel the same way. It's fun as hell, but once you've seen it, the experience doesn't change. It's an absolute blast to watch your friends try to get a hold of the SIXAXIS controls, but then you get mesmerized by what they're doing. It's definitely a chill-out game to play before you take a nap. Or if you're of legal age, after a few brews the game practically becomes a college football game -- people yelling at the TV, saying to go eat that thing, etc. It's got lasting value, but not if you're all by yourself. It's worth the price, though.

  • PS3Fanboy: 7 crescent-moon tapeworms out of 10

What are your thoughts?