
GDC 07: Sony fights back; unveils Home, LittleBigPlanet, Killzone, more

At last night's Sony press event, Sony unveiled a plethora of new products and services that show that the PS3 is far from dead. Phil Harrison will undoubtedly be discussing more about their Web 2.0-inspired effort that he calls "Game 3.0" at his conference (happening right now). The revamped PlayStation effort to be shown today includes a performance-sharing version of Singstar, a beautiful cooperative platformer called LittleBigPlanet and a new service called PlayStation Home. Joystiq has all the pictures, videos and details you want right now:

Playstation Home, the free virtual world of Playstation 3
"Comparable to Second Life, PlayStation Home is a virtual community of PS3 owners living together in both public and private environments. Users will be able to login, chat with both text and speech and play casual games together such as pool, bowling and even embedded arcade machines. And when the old stand-bys grow stale, users can invite one another into other PlayStation Network titles outside of PlayStation Home."
Gallery: Playstation Home

Continued, after the jump.

Singstar PS3 details unleashed, YouTube of karaoke confirmed
"Singstar allows users to not only download new content, but to upload their own as well. Folks from around the world will be plugging in their EyeToys or USB cameras' and shaking their money makers with their own video uploads that can be rated and commented upon from the community."
Gallery: SingStar (PS3)

Sony unveils cooperative platformer, LittleBigPlanet
"Four-player pushing and pulling aside, LittleBigPlanet also highlights user-created content, allowing players to design characters, object and levels to share online. Given the grab-happy, emergent gameplay, downloadable custom levels should enable players to constantly discover new ways to aid or injure their pudgy little avatars. An earlier Sony presentation demonstrated some intuitive controls, with the manipulation of analog sticks and motion controls resulting in all manner of jumping, wiggling and waving."
Gallery: LittleBigPlanet

Warhawk exclusively embraces online multiplayer
"Sony's Warhawk has ejected single-player features in favor of a multiplayer-only battle arena. Sony today announced the game's shift into the PlayStation Network realm, along with several new features designed to highlight the game's new focus. In addition to frenetic air combat, players will find themselves controlling jeeps, tanks, and woefully unprotected infantry units."
Gallery: Warhawk

Sony unveils new tools to live on the Edge
"Empowering the development community, Sony has unveiled the PlayStation Edge: advanced graphics tools and technologies for PlayStation 3 development. A meeting on the tools is taking place later today."

Also: Killzone 2 was demoed (will not be shown at Keynote), taking advantage of Edge. Does it live up to the original E3 trailer? No. It's clear that the original video is not representative of final gameplay. The tools, however, seem very exciting.