
Inafune talks RE4 engine and the Wii [update 1]

During the recently-concluded GDC 07, Keiji Inafune (do we really need to tell you who he is?) talked about the problems of porting new-gen titles over to the Wii. First, he commented on the possibility of bringing over engines from two of the company's latest new-gen games, Dead Rising and Lost Planet. The possibility, it turns out, is non-existent, as he said these titles' engines were optimized for cross-platform use.

What will take their place? The Resident Evil 4 engine, it would seem. While Keiji commented that the industry is really craving photorealistic graphics, he is still interested in creating the types of franchises that enjoy iconic mascots, such as Mega Man. Mr. Inafune even commented that Capcom is working on a secret project, to be revealed at a later date. He did not comment, however, if the title would be for the Wii.

[Update: loltypo. Thanks, Markus!]