
DRIMaker: Automated High Dynamic Range Images

High Dynamic Range (wikipedia) images are all the rage these days. These images are produced by combining several different shots of the same scene with different exposure settings; this allows photographers to create images that almost jump off the screen. This HDR image of NYC, which made the front page of Digg a while back, is a good example. Traditionally, HDR images are produced in Photoshop as described here, but now Jasper's DRIMaker makes creating HDR images a matter of drag and drop. You drop your set of images on the well, and then you can adjust Threshold, Luminance, and Response values with sliders until you get the image the way you want it. Jasper has a gallery of his own images to get a sense of what is possible.

Unfortunately, Jasper's site is only in German as of yet, but an English build of the software is available for download and an English language site is coming soon. The software is free, but donations are requested.

Thanks, Gunnar!

Update: There was a typo regarding the name of the application; it is 'DRIMaker.'