
More Phil Harrison jargon to gargle

I'm on Spring Break. I'm in Las Vegas, sitting in the Mirage hotel after enjoying some Craps... what better time to admit to you guys that I'll still be bringing you the news? Albeit... 3 hours earlier. Or later... something. I don't really understand how that will work out -- but the amount of postings will be the same. I love you guys that much. With that in mind, more Phil Harrison stuff!

This is actually part two of an interview we covered the first part of yesterday -- where Blu-ray will ensure the PS3's success or some such. We'll make a general compilation of his points and you can check them out in more detail for whatever you're interested in.

  • Phil says that Sony has always concentrated on user-oriented strategies as is being seen with Little Big Planet and user-generated content (what?)... he cites developers taking big risks with projects like Shadow of the Colossus and God of War, Loco Roco, among others. He says that such games wouldn't have come out of a more conservative marketing strategy, or a multi-platform game.

  • Background compatibility: Phil says "calm down". It's all there -- the entire PS-One catalog and an ever-increasing software emulation of PS2 titles. Over 1,000 PS2 titles so far.

  • Phil is very confident that Sony will remain the market leader this console cycle. But if he wasn't confident, that wouldn't reflect on Sony very well, would it? Sony may just stay on top, but by a much thinner margin, if we could place our bet.

That's mostly it. Like we said, you can check out the article and read the full interview if you'd like to hear more about any of that, but that's pretty much a superb summation. Anybody have any games I should play for you while I'm here? I'll let you know if I win (or how fast I lose).