
Hori says: buy our dust and nicotine guard!

Yes, the PS3 doesn't like it when you smoke around it. It's trying to find a cure for your rudeness via the Folding@Home program. It's still searching. Kablam! How did that zinger taste? A little bitter, we'd reckon. All poorly constructed insult jokes aside, Hori is releasing a dust/nicotine guard for your PS3. It comes out in late April at an affordable $17. But... why?

Seriously, all these PS3 accessories seem so... foolish. If I were a smoker, I'd never do it in my home. It just makes no sense. Smoke alarms, making the ceiling yellow, creating an odor that just does not get out of your fabrics... it's an OCD person's worst nightmare. If you coupled this guard with the cooling fan we talked about a few days ago, we're fairly certain your PS3 will last at least a year less than a "naked" system. Too much crap can do more harm than good. So, get this thing if you smoke whilst playing video games, otherwise, laugh at some of the sillier inventions out there.