
Twitter from TextMate

I'm a big fan of Twitter, and not just because I am on the top 100 Twitter user list (though that doesn't hurt). It is just plain old fun. I also enjoy the heck out of TextMate, which is also fun to use, though in a different way. Twitter and TextMate are two great tastes that, one would imagine, taste great together. Enter Muffin Research Labs (I never thought I would be writing that) with a new Twitter bundle for TextMate.

Bundles, you'll recall, are sets of files which extend TextMate's functionality. As you might have guessed the Twitter bundle allows one to Twitter from within TextMate. Once you have the Twitter bundle installed you simply select some text, hit ALT T, and off it posts to Twitter. Keep in mind that this bundle is a little rough around the edges, and it requires that you have PHP installed on your Mac.

So, what are you doing?