
RSS this!

Every week (except for last week where it slipped by me) PSP Fanboy brings you a great new podcast that you can use your PSP's RSS feature to subscribe to. Those that remember the feature call it RSS this!

This week I'm going to do something a bit unorthadox. This week's RSS podcast only has 3 episodes and hasn't been updated in over a month. The reason I'm linking to the podcast though is because there was some serious quality work done on the podcast when it was being done and it only hasn't been updated due to a personal tragedy in Randy Nelson's life. I want to wish Randy the best and let him know that myself and several other PSM fans can't wait for the podcast to be up and running. I also enjoy PSM as a magazine, so I respect what they're trying to do over there and they're easily my favorite platform specific mag.

Out of only 3 podcasts, Randy interviewed Ted Price of Insomniac Games and Ryan Payton of Kojima Studios as well as spill the news about the possibility of more MGS titles on PSP and give out plenty of PlayStation news. Randy has promised that when the podcast does come back, it will feature more of the PSM cast and whenever that day comes, I'll be there to listen to it. Feel free to show your support as well. I'm sure after listening to the podcasts that were done, you'll want to anyway.

If you want to add PSM Podcast to your PSP's RSS, just bring up this site with your PSP through our mobile version at and clink this link: Then you can exit your web browser and the show should be in your RSS channels. From there you can set a timer for auto-download of episodes, stream them, or download them directly.

Got something you have RSS'd and would like us to feature? Just let us know in the comments, or let other readers know what you think of PSM Podcast.