
Solar powered Wii lets you take fun out in the sun

All things considered, the Wii doesn't cause that much of a drain on your local power grid. But we know there's got to be some overly environmentally conscious gamer out there that simply can't enjoy his or her new system without a twinge of guilt. Enter the solar-powered Wii, constructed by the folks at TwitchGuru complete with mobile wheelbarrow enclosure and flat screen HD monitor for only $1,400.

While the solar panel only supplies 20 of the 170 or so watts needed to power the entire setup, an rechargeable battery means charge accumulated during the day can be used to play into the night. Tom's Hardware has a video showing the rig cruising Venice Beach and getting quite a bit of attention, to boot. Apparently, gamers are the new weight lifters.

[Via NintendoWiiFanboy]

Watch - Video of the solar Wii in action
Read - Details of the construction