
Midway wants a piece of the PS3 pie, about 4%

If the PS3 were a pie, what kind of pie would it be? Blackberry? Chocolate? Ooh, chocolate sounds good. Apparently, Midway agrees because they have sunk a ton of funds into next-gen development. How much? They've put one-hundred million dollars into next-gen development tools and technology. That's a lot. Oh, and they've also put in two-hundred million dollars into game development. So... okay, wow. Lots of cash just to get started! It's understandable how many companies this early in the game are deciding on multiplatform -- you've got to recoup that initial investment quickly, then you can concentrate on the best of the systems (whichever it turns out to be, we say in our least-fanboyish way).

Midway's boss, David Zucker, said this about their goals: "We have been pushing this for two and a half years now, investing a lot and being very heavily focused on next-generation consoles like 360 and PS3. Really this year it's about gaining market share. We're around two per cent of the market – if we can go to four per cent that would be a huge win for us and it's something we really believe we can do. We are looking to do that on next-gen platforms now. We've invested a lot of money and we have a lot of good products." We hope so! We can't remember the last "great Midway product"... especially if we look outside of the Mortal Kombat franchise. Can you?