
Burnout 5 using HD Eye Toy

Wasn't a Burnout title just released on the PSP and PS2? Burninator or Dominatrix or something? We kid, we know of Burnout Dominator but those are two unfortunate words that can easily be blended together thanks to the impossibly heroic and awesome quest of Trogdor. Anyway, we haven't heard much about the PS3 Burnout 5, so let's get an update.

Criterion's director of design, Alex Ward, talked about the direction being taken for the game: "How you use the controller is key, how you play the game online, how you use the HD Eye Toy and the 360 Vision Camera online is really important." Hmm, we have no idea what to expect. Will they somehow transpose you into the driver's seat for online distribution/replays? That'd be... weird. But we can't really think of any other use with such limited knowledge of 1) the game and 2) the HD Eye Toy. Can you think of anything?