
New Twitterrific beta brings host of fixes, hint at future Growl support

The Iconfactory has announced a new public beta of Twitterrific 2.0, their killer Twitter client. Glen Wosley got a sneak peek last Friday just before the public beta was announced, and this 2.0 beta v6 update addresses a number of issues with the new version as well as dealing with Twitter's own growing pains, as well as hints at the possibility of future Growl support. As with the previous version, we echo The Iconfactory and highly recommend reading through the What's New file to learn about the changes, but the gist of the story is that this version adds Quit/Configure buttons to Twitterrific's startup screen (the one you see while its downloading the first batch of tweets), and it also adds some logging and fixes for the network issues everyone is experiencing due to Twitter's exploding popularity. The end of this What's New file is also where the company hints at Growl support in a future version, though it merely states they're reading the SDK (Software Development Kit) for now.

To grab a copy of this latest beta, hit up the announcement tweet from the Twitterrific Twitter account.