
Take-Two and Rockstar on the Road To Ruin

You're probably wondering how we got to the point where reporting on an annual meeting of stockholders makes for compelling news, especially if you're one of those weirdos who, you know, actually plays video games. If you haven't been following the long-running drama of how Take-Two Interactive and Rockstar just can't seem to do any good, Wired's got you covered. The story of which makes for a much more interesting read than the aforementioned meeting.

In "The Road To Ruin," David Kushner takes you from Rockstar's meager beginnings to their modern day failures, including the actual Grand Theft Auto franchise falling on its face. With Rockstar getting back in the groove of shoving GTAdown our throats, all while still dealing with their internal drama, now would be a good time to see what all the fuss has been about beyond "Hot Coffee" and he-who-must-not-be-named.

So you can just sit there and keep playing and enjoying your video games.. or you can do something that matters. Like care about stockholders.