
VC Monday Madness: post-game wrap-up 4/2/07

If you check your calendar on some kind of regular basis, you already know today is Monday. Why is Monday significant, you ask? Well, we get new games on the Virtual Console, of course! That's right, this week we received three games for the service and, as is our thing, we've given them a thorough play and offer our opinions on whether or not you should be shelling out the dough for them.

So, head past the post break and give it a read!

Star Fox 64 - N64 - 1 - 4 players - 1,000 Wii Points
Wii Fanboy says: download it!

OK, sure this game is short, but the replay value is sky high. How many times did you go through the campaign when you owned it (or maybe you still do?) for the N64? Thirteen, eighty times? Yeah, we did too, and with some fun multiplayer to boot, we must urge you to download this game. Sure, the loss of ten of your Earth dollars will hurt, but maybe you could go without a couple cups of coffee, eh?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - NES - 1 player - 600 Wii Points
Wii Fanboy says: do not download

We remember many Saturday mornings full of starting a new game in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, only to die thirty seconds later and have to start anew. We remember this game was tough and, in its transition over to the Virtual Console, it hasn't lost much of its difficulty (damn you swimming segments!). The side-scrolling sections of the game are fairly monotonous and the over-head portions where you drive the Turtle Van or navigate the mean streets all alone are OK, but jacking the price up for this game an extra dollar causes us to be of the opinion that the experience is not worth the $6 entrance fee.

Dragon's Curse - TurboGrafx16 - 1 player - 600 Wii Points
Wii Fanboy says: download it!

We never played this game before when it originally released, so upon reading Nintendo's description of the title in their press release we found ourselves intrigued. They described it as a "side-scrolling action role-playing game," and even said it was non-linear. After playing it for a couple of hours, we have to say the game is really fun. You get to customize equipment and build up stats, all the while taking on different creature shapes that open up new attacks and whatnot. We found it to be a blast and, as with all TG-16 games we've seen on the VC so far, the price point is just right.

As always, if you have any tips or rumors regarding Nintendo's Virtual Console service, be sure to let us know and come back next week when we take a look at the latest titles available on the Nintendo Wii.