
Atari project goes beyond Game 3.0

round one ... fight!

Sony's PlayStation Home service may still be months from release, but it's already sooo 5 minutes ago. Or at least Atari says its upcoming online game creation project will make it seem that way.

Atari Online Entertainment senior VP Chris Bergstresser slapped Sony with his virtual glove in a MCV report this morning, saying that Atari's as-of-now PC-only game creation portal would "give people the tools to do whatever the hell they want." (Presumably you'll be able to keep that sort of strong language out of your games.)

The Berginator also said that he appreciated Phil Harrison's Game 3.0 keynote, claiming that it lent legitimacy to Atari's upcoming effort, which "goes further" than Sony's offerings like Home and LittleBigPlanet. Oh, snap!

The unnamed service is due out in summer and is currently US-only. Further details are scant enough to make this just another Web 2.0/Game 3.0 promise on the pile for now, rather than a contender for the user-generated content throne.