
Friday Video: Celebrating violence

Look, obviously today's video is going to feature a little violence. You did see the title. It's right there. So you've been warned. Since this is a special Friday and the Wii Fanboy staff is pretty amped about a certain film, we figured it might be a good day to seek out a fun and gory video for this week's spotlight -- and conveniently, this week featured some news about a game that fits the bill perfectly. If you guessed Resident Evil 4, you win the prize! And what is the prize?


Well, you get to watch the video! Yeah! Congratulations! It's after the jump, as per usual. And yes, we know. You've seen it before, because you probably played Resident Evil 4 a few times. You may have even seen this version, which features a particularly giggle-worthy song. But, really, if you need to be convinced to revisit Resident Evil 4, you may be in the wrong place, because it is the epitome of awesome.