
Am our gaming learning?

Seed Magazine has an interesting article that talks about the effects of Brain Age on your own grey matter, and calls it "entertainment masquerading as neurology." However, there might be more to it than that.

The same article talks about a company called PositScience that sells brain training sessions for a mere $395 a pop, and it might actually be doing something. According to program developer Michael Merzenich, "We've demonstrated that you can take the brain of a 75-year-old and make it function like the brain of a 35- or 40-year-old. It takes training, and some hard work, but it's possible."

It involves big words like "neuroplasticity," but it's a brain-fitness workout, which Brain Age is as well. So you can pay almost four hundred smackers for the big words, or try your hand at the sub-$20 version. Either way, something's gotta be happening to your neurons. Right?

[Thanks, Cam]