
Does the VC threaten modding communities?

OK, we may be incredible Nintendo fanboys, but this is just something that flew under our radar. We never had any idea that these mods were actually out there, trying to make N64 games better. Of course, they're working with ROMs and other illegal materials, but we're sure some of them out there are doing this in a legit fashion, not to mention that these individuals must actually love the game, what with investing so many hours into giving it better textures and whatnot. We're not here to argue either side of that coin.

But no, instead we're here to ask a question: does the Virtual Console kill the N64 modding community? Probably not, considering that years of being discontinued has hardly gotten in their way. So, we doubt digital distribution is going to be the one that finally finagles a wrench into the cog that is this modding community. And we can't say we condone piracy in any way, but those higher-res shots of Ocarina of Time really look nice.

What say you all?