
Worms goes Infrastructure in Open Warfare 2

This is what the original Worms: Open Warfare needed! Infrastructure multiplayer. None of this silly Ad-Hoc play. Finally, for those of us that don't have friends, we can take part in online Worms mayhem. Not only will this be an "international" affair, THQ is promising "stats and leaderboards." Not only that, "this time round you can create your own custom landscapes; as well as team flags, modified hats, tombstones, victory dances and more."

A handful of new modes will be available in the sequel, including "Rope Race, Forts, Puzzle and Campaign modes. There's even a new Firing Range to try your hand at the 11 new weapons: such as the Bunker Buster, Buffalo of Lies, Super Sheep, Concrete Donkey and Holy Hand Grenades!" We have no idea what that means, but it sounds exciting, no?

See a trailer, after the cut.

[Via Joystiq]