
A custom PS3 arcade cabinet? Sign us up!

Since it's the weekend and we'll be recycling the news we didn't get around to later on, we're going to open up with a "kudos!" story from one of our readers. Their buddy took the time to customize a Japanese arcade cabinet lookalike, complete with chairs from an actual Japanese arcade. That's all well and good, but what's the kicker? It's powered by the PlayStation 3, using customized joysticks with removable/exchangable panels for different games. It seems that it's also a networked PC complete with emulators from every generation since the Atari 2600. Isn't the PS3 just awesome?

How cool would it be to play some Virtua Fighter 5 against a friend in a cabinet like that in your living room? It'd be pretty sweet. It would also make co-op in Resistance really interesting... if you could somehow take the splitscreen across two screens instead. There's a lot of fun going into that cabinet, so we give a mighty proud hats off to the creators of the PS3-cabinet.

[Thanks, Gregory!]