
Haze gets its own viral website!

Shooters, shooters, are no fun, unless you kill everyone! Hmm. Shooters, shooters, are no fun, unless you give the 360 some! No, no... the PS3 some! Yes, that's right. Well, the upcoming shooter Haze has released a viral site, not unlike the Dharma Initiative sites for the TV show Lost. This site, dedicated to Mantel Global Industries, is pretty fun to surf around and comical to listen to the PR guy talk about his company.

The lead character in the game works for this company, so you can see why it's getting the "we're so awesome, check out this dramatic camera angle" makeover on the viral site. Instead of telling you what's on the site, which there's a good bit of info floating around (and some not yet available), we'll let you surf it yourself and tell us what you think. Enjoy.