
NPD numbers for March and Microsoft's take

The NPD numbers for March 2007 have been released, and, as usual, everyone has their own spin. First of all, let's look at the raw numbers (politely cribbed from Joystiq):

  • Nintendo DS: 508K

  • Sony PlayStation 2: 280K

  • Nintendo Wii: 259K (2.1 million total)

  • Microsoft Xbox 360: 199K (5.3 million total)

  • Sony PSP: 180k

  • Nintendo Game Boy Advance: 148K

  • Sony PlayStation 3: 130K (1.2 million total)

  • Nintendo Gamecube: 22K

  • Microsoft Xbox: N/A

The Nintendo DS sits at the top with over half a million units sold. Meanwhile, the PS2 rests at number 2 with just over a quarter million. So, the top two spots belong to a hand held and Sony's last gen console, but the real fight is for the new gen, right? More important to Microsoft, the real real fight is between the Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360. In other words, the fact that the Wii sold 60,000 more units than our beloved box is irrelevant. In the 2 man battle for the new gen crown, the Xbox 360 is king, selling nearly 70,000 more units than the Playstation 3.

All kidding aside, the Xbox 360 is still performing well, with 4 360 titles in the top 10. These titles are: GRAW 2 (#2, 394K), Guitar Hero II with guitar (#3, 291K), Major League Baseball 2K7 (#8, 165K), and Def Jam: ICON (#10, 148K). Gamerscore Blog gives its take on the numbers, noting that Guitar Hero II sold an average of 2500 copies an hour. Also noted was that the Xbox 360 maintained a record breaking attach rate for the eighth month in a row (5.7 games per console).

For the first three months of 2007, the Xbox 360 has sold approximately 721K units in the US. Combined with worldwide sales, Microsoft seems poised to meet its projection of 12 million sold by the end of the fiscal year in June.

[Via Joystiq]