
Final Fantasy hates PlayStation -- the minds behind each, at least

If you want to get nitpicky (or nit-picky, if you're especially nitpicky), Hironobu Sakaguchi (the father of Final Fantasy and by default, the success of Square Enix) let his tongue fly recently against the father of PlayStation -- Ken Kutaragi. Heck, the lord of newly-formed Mistwalker bashed pretty much every system out there except for Nintendo. He didn't compliment it, really, but he danced around anything negative.

EGM asked Sakaguchi why Mistwalker currently had no plans for the PlayStation 3. He responded quickly: "The machine's architecture is tricky, and I don't like Ken Kutaragi." Fair enough, good sir. Even though a lot of the devs for PS3 claim that if you just sit down and try, the potential is limitless and that you're lazy if you don't try.

About the XBox 360, Sakaguchi said, "Microsoft has to change its marketing strategy in Japan. There are a lot of excellent games on the 360, far better games than what's on the Wii or PS3. But not a lot of people in Japan have a clear idea what games like Gears of War are all about. Just look at the Windows Vista commercial -- it's terrible." Fair enough, again.

How about Nintendo? He doesn't have anything planned for the Wii, does he? "The system is intriguing, but right now, I have no plans on making a game for the Wii." It seems like he doesn't want to take any risks and he doesn't like anyone. Well, Mr. Sakaguchi, would you rather make your own console and see what happens when there are four systems in the market?