
We have information on Kingdom Hearts not-3

We know that the next Kingdom Hearts game isn't going to be a direct sequel to Kingdom Hearts 2. We were imagining that it'd be a spin-off like Chain of Memories and we figured right. Sora will not be involved in this spin-off and it won't be on the PlayStation 3. Chances are it'll be stuck on a portable system. Either the PlayStation Portable or the Nintendo DS. Following the trend, it's more likely to pop up on the DS, though going to the PSP would really put an A-list title in its library.

So what does the game entail? Oh, darn, that would've been a great pun if I waited. Anyway, you'll get it. You'll play through the story of how Mickey came into possession of a keyblade and what went down in the world of darkness. There's going to be a pretty big focus on Roxas (or Sora-X if you like that better... Breath of Fire 2 really started the whole Name-X thing. Awesome). We'll keep you posted on the new information as they become available.