
Two Tron games head to XBLA, we get depressed

Sure, you could be excited that Disney has announced arcade versions of Tron and Discs of Tron are coming to Xbox Live Arcade at some unspecified time this summer. You could be jazzed that Backbone is throwing in online multiplayer and updated graphics with the releases, but we just can't seem to get there. Maybe it's because these games come 25 years after Tron ignited the imaginations of 1982 cavemen who hadn't even heard of the internet and we've fallen woefully short in making their neon-drenched dreams reality.

Think about it. It's been two-and-a-half decades now, and the closest we've come to being digitized by a radical laser, assigned an identity disc and being forced to compete in gladiator-style games that may or may not result in our termination is waving around a white stick. Forget the MCP, we haven't even reached the technological sophistication of the VR Troopers -- and they were awful. So go ahead, feel free to enjoy the games of the past. We'll be too busy feeling guilty that our present is also some 1982 movie goer's future.
