
Friday video: Get down, Boogie oogie oogie

Finally, we can see one of the most important aspects of EA's Boogie: the dancing. Our Featured Friday Video for this week shows off the new rhythm title in motion, and the best description we can think of is "spastic, but in a good way." Also on display: the characters, called Boogs, who can be customized (another EA game that uses cutesy customizable avatars, but notMiis?), and who don't all look likeEarl.

The factsheet for the game mentions minigames (wouldn't be a Wii game without 'em) and a music video mode that lets players save their performances with added voice and custom camera angles and effects. Unfortunately, you have to check the site for the video, since we can't embed the Vooks player. We do have screens, though, after the break.

[Via NeoGAF]