
Poll Results: How many PS3 games do you own?

poll results

Last week we debuted PS3 Poll Police, our new weekly poll for PS3 Fanboys. We asked the simple question: How many PS3 games do you own? And, wow, what a response! Giving American Idol a run for it's money, we had a tremendous voter turnout... 3,550 votes and counting!

As you see, most of you (27%) own 3-4 PS3 games. And another 21% own two. For you math whizzes out there, that means that nearly half of us have 2-4 PS3 games in our collection. That's not bad for a console that's been out just a few months. Of course, the vote is a bit skewed by those 18% of voters that still think the Xbox rulz...

Stay tuned for the PS3 Poll Police tomorrow... and your new weekly poll! This one promises to be fun.