
Appleology: Six things Apple needs to fix

Appleology has come up with a list of "Six things Apple needs to fix by 2008." Specifically, they're requesting some obvious upgrades to the Apple TV (cheaper, more storage space, etc.) and updates for iLife and iWork (we're pretty sure this will happen when Leopard is released in October).

They also call for Apple to either upgrade .Mac significantly or ditch it all together (we've heard this request a million times by now), and an iPod that's basically an iPhone that doesn't do phone calls. It's probably safe to assume that future iPods will have a UI similar to the iPhone, but not in 2008. They want to sell iPhones, after all!

Finally, Appleology requests UI improvements to OS X (which we've seen) and low-cost Macs. I think Macs will always be more expensive than most of their competitors, so that's something we have to get used to.

Is there anything you'd like to see Apple do with the latter half of 2008? Call me easy to please, but I'd be happy with Leopard and an iPhone.