
Lazard says: PS3 won't increase in sales without new lineup, price drop

Lazard's researchers have come up with some new numbers and expected goals for the coming holiday season -- they expect a solid 15% growth in software sales across the board. While we'd love to tell you all about Ubisoft's and Activision's profits and what-have-you, we're going to concentrate on what these Lazard folks said about the PlayStation 3's future.

On Sony, Lazard said the upcoming Sony Gamers Day should focus on getting the message across what it is exactly Sony is planning to do. They point out the need to address their online strategy as well as the software lineup for the rest of the year. In addition to that, there is no indication of a pre-holiday sales increase unless, they say, a price cut and/or more robust title lineup is announced. We happen to agree. Let's get it together, Sony, and let people know what it is you're planning to get done by the end of the year. Stop being secretive or vague. Just tell us.