
Why hasn't the 360 joined the F@H fight?

The Playstation 3 gives users the ability to donate their processing power to the Folding@Home project, but the 360 has yet to see such a program. Peter Moore said it would be possible, but why hasn't Microsoft allowed Xbox 360 users to do the same? Well, the guys over at Digital Media Thoughts think they know why Microsoft doesn't release such a program and it all comes down to faulty hardware. They believe that the Xbox 360's failure rate is the main reason for not including such a program. According to DMT, they feel the 360's failure rate is much higher than Microsoft wants to admit and that the hardware problems stem from the massive amount of heat generated causing the motherboard to warp and solder joints to disconnect. And if a Folding@Home project were released for the 360, nearly 100% of the CPU would be used for hours on end, causing lots of heat and much more hardware problems. Red rings of death would soon become the norm.

Whether you buy into DMT's reasoning or not, we simply cannot justify why Microsoft would not include some sort of project for users to donate their 360's CPU power. Maybe it is because Microsoft doesn't want to stress the hardware any further, maybe not, but we'd like to know the whole story without any smoke or mirrors. Any thoughts guys?