
Nintendo looking for the next Uwe Boll

Have you ever watched the 1993 film Super Mario Bros. and thought "Hey, I could make a better Nintendo movie than that!"? You're not alone. Studies show that a majority of humans who have ever lived have had that thought at some point, including a young Uwe Boll (we all saw how that turned out) and Ed Wood, which is scientifically silly. Now, Nintendo's giving amateur filmmakers the chance to show that they can do justice to the Nintendo brand ... as long as they can do it in under 5 minutes.

The top three entries in the Nintendo Short Cuts Showcase will be screened at Rockefeller Center next month and the pick of the litter gets its maker a trip to NYC, $10,000 and a meeting with Craig Hatkoff, co-founder of the Tribeca Film Festival, who promises to listen intently show up. All you need to be considered is a 3-5 minute movie that in some way relates to Nintendo and is submitted to them by June 6. Oh, and you have to be better than this guy, which is impossible. Good luck!