
The complete Halo 3 beta guide

Even though there was some big Halo 3 news that hit the intertubes earlier, we must focus on what is at hand ... the Halo 3 beta. And what better way to prepare for the public beta than to get yourself learnified. Over on they've posted an extremely detailed Halo 3 beta guide that offers a boatload of information including weapon, vehicle, and multiplayer map bios along with a general FAQ. They even posted details on voice chatting, matchmaking, and teach you how to pimp your Spartan. Yup, it's a comprehensive guide that any normal person couldn't live without. So, be quick and read as fast as you can, because there is only a few hours left before the switch is flipped and the public Halo 3 beta goes live.

[Thanks, to everyone who sent this in]

Check out all of the X3F Halo 3 beta coverage