
Tired of Nero? How about some Dante DMC4 action?

A brand new trailer made available by Capcom gives the new hero, Nero, some rest while franchise poster boy Dante flexes his muscles and busts out some cool moves in the upcoming Devil May Cry 4. While I've recently been lost in the insanely difficult DS title Etrian Odyssey, my mind has often wondered as to whether this title will retain the difficulty set by the third entry. If you don't like tough games, you shouldn't climb into the ring. Hopefully this game will be tough, but not so hard as to turn people off of getting into the fight. If for some reason you can't see the video above, please check it out at its hosted site.

Also of note is that Peter Dille, Senior Marketing VP for Sony, announced that DMC4 was built for the PlayStation 3 hardware then ported down to other systems. Someone else said that if games were started on the PS3 and ported elsewhere, quality would not drop and the PS3 version would look spectacular. Good news for us, then!

[Thanks a lot, Cagalli!]